Saturday, March 29, 2025
Research on Fundamentals
The fundamental framework of Unani system of Medicine is based on deep philosophical insights and scientific principles. In order to scientifically establish and interpret the relevance and rationale of various theories and philosophies of Unani Medicine, the research on fundamentals of Unani Medicine is being undertaken by the Council. Validation of the theories of fundamental research in the light of genetic, biochemical, physiological and pathological parameters is an important objective of the Fundamental Research Programme.
The Fundamental research programme has been initiated at the National Research Institute of Unani Medicine (NRIUMSD) Hyderabad in a phased manner. In the first phase, different temperaments (Damwi, Balghami, Safräwi and Sawdäwi) were assessed as per standardized format and scientifically validated in healthy volunteers. Variability in different physiological, pathological and biochemical parameters in healthy subjects of different temperaments was also studied. In the second phase, susceptibility of acquiring diseases in relation to the temperaments of the patients was studied. In the third phase of the project, response to the treatment in relation to the temperament of the patients was evaluated scientifically in diseases like vitiligo, infective hepatitis, sinusitis, psoriasis, essential hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes mellitus type-II. Some genetic studies in healthy volunteers as well as in patients of hepatitis, cancer and some Safräwi and Sawdäwi diseases with reference to humours have also been conducted. These studies aim to help in understanding the molecular basis of basic principles of Unani Medicine.