Walk-in-Interview for the post of Programme Assistant under (Pharmacovigilance Programme), New Delhi(Size: 1.52 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, August 28, 2019)
Walk in Interview for the post of RA/SRF/JRF (Unani) at Kerala(Size: 0.76 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, August 28, 2019)
Advertisement - Recruitment for the post of Research Officer (Unani, Pathology, Bio-Chemistry & Clinical Pharmacology), Research Assistant (Botany & Chemistry) & Investigator (Statistics)(Size: 0.42 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, August 28, 2019)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Research Associate (Unani) & SRF (Unani) at Patna.(Size: 1.53 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, September 4, 2019)
Counseling (MD in Ilmul Advia and Moalijat)(Size: 0.04 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Sunday, October 27, 2019)
(Uploaded on : Sunday, October 27, 2019)
Walk-in-Interview for Professor (Moalijat), Reader (Moalijat & Ilmul Advia), Senior Consultant (Technical) & SRF/JRF (Unani)(Size: 1.19 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, November 26, 2019)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Programme Assistant under (Pharmacovigilance Programme)at RRIUM, Kolkata(Size: 0.54 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, December 3, 2019)
vacancies of Consultant (Administration, Statistics & Information Technology)(Size: 1.01 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, January 2, 2020)
vacancy of Assistant Research Officer (Bio-Chemistry), Senior Production Assistant, Urdu Assistant/Translator & Staff Car Driver/Driver(Size: 0.64 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, January 20, 2020)
Vacancy of Consultant (Administration)(Size: 0.12 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, January 30, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Program Assistant(Size: 0.80 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, July 23, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the Post of Consultant (Budget & Legal), Senior Research Fellow (Botany, Chemistry, Unani & Microbiology) at Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.(Size: 0.69 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, August 17, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the Post of Consultant (Legal), Senior Research Fellow (Chemistry & Microbiology) at Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi.(Size: 0.68 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, September 7, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of READER (ILMUL ADVIA) at RRIUM, Srinagar(Size: 1.31 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, October 1, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Unani) at RRIUM, Bhadrak(Size: 1.31 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, October 8, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of SRF/JRF (Chemistry, Botany) at RRIUM, Chennai(Size: 0.50 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, October 8, 2020)
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Director (Administration) on deputation basis(Size: 0.26 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, October 12, 2020)
Application form for the post of Assistant Director (Administration) on deputation basis(Size: 0.23 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, October 12, 2020)
Advertisement for the post of Research Officer (Clinical Pharmacology, Bio-Chemistry), Senior Library Attendant & Driver(Size: 0.25 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, October 12, 2020)
Application Form(Size: 0.20 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, October 21, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Research Associate (Unani) at RRIUM, Kolkata(Size: 0.15 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Saturday, October 31, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of RA/SRF/JRF (Unani) at RRIUM, Chennai(Size: 0.51 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, December 7, 2020)
Walk-in-Interview for Engaging Reader (ILMUL ADVIA) on Contractual Basis(Size: 0.30 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Sunday, December 13, 2020)
Advertisement - Recruitment for the post of Senior Production Assistant, Accountant (Internal Audit, Research Officer (Unani), Pharmacist(Size: 0.40 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, December 30, 2020)
Applications in the prescribed format are invited for post of Senior Research Fellow/Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) at DSRU, New Delhi , Senior Research Fellow/Junior Research Fellow (Microbiology) at DSRI Ghaziabad(Size: 0.53 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Monday, March 8, 2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Consultant (Budget) at CCRUM Hqrs New Delhi, Media Consultant (Hindi) at New Delhi(Size: 0.23 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, March 9, 2021)
Corrigendum-Walk-in-Interview for the post of Media Consultant(Hindi)(Size: 0.54 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, March 10, 2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Social Media Consultant, Consultant (Budget) at CCRUM Hqrs New Delhi(Size: 0.68 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, March 24, 2021)
Postponement of Exam for the post of RO (Unani), RA (Chemistry) and RO (CP) scheduled for 27th April and 28th April, 2021(Size: 0.13 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, April 16, 2021)
Virtual Interview for engagement on purely contractual basis for the post of Research Associate (Unani), Senior Research Fellow (Unani), Junior Research Fellow (U) at RRIUM, Mumbai(Size: 0.22 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, May 11, 2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Research Associate (Unani) at RRIUM, Aligarh(Size: 0.58 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, May 27, 2021)
Postponment of Exam for the post of Research Officer (Clinical Pharmacology) scheduled for 13th July 2021 to 5th August, 2021(Size: 0.10 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, July 6, 2021)
Interview for the post of the Research Officer (Unani)(Size: 0.52 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, July 9, 2021)
Answer Key of Research Officer (Unani) examination held on 13.07.2021(Size: 0.12 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, July 13, 2021)
Notification-Research Officer (Unani) held on 13-07-2021(Size: 0.21 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, July 27, 2021)
Notification-Research Assistant (Chemistry) held on 14-07-2021(Size: 0.11 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, July 27, 2021)
Provisional Result of the written examination held on 14-07-2021 for the post of Research Assistant (Chemistry)(Size: 0.10 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, July 28, 2021)
Provisional Result of the written examination held on 13-07-2021 for the post of Research Officer (Unani)(Size: 0.17 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Wednesday, July 28, 2021)
Date, Time and Venue of Interview for the Post of Research Officer (Unani)(Size: 0.34 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, July 29, 2021)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Research Associate (Bio-Chemistry, Unani) at RRIUM, Chennai(Size: 0.53 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, August 3, 2021)
Provisional Result of the candidate selected for the post of Research Officer (Unani) on the basis of written examination held on 13-07-2021 and interview held on 06-08-2021(Size: 0.49 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Saturday, August 7, 2021)
Advertisement Walk-in-Interview for Assistant Consultant (Admin) at RRIUM, Aligarh, UP(Size: 5.12 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Tuesday, October 22, 2024)
Extension of dated for receipt of Application for the Contractual post of Consultant (Publication & Production) and Scientific writer at CCRUM, Headquarters(Size: 1.14 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, October 25, 2024)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Veterinarian at NRIUMSD, Hyderabad (Size: 0.28 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, November 1, 2024)
Applications are invited for the posts of Assistant Consultant (Hindi) and Jr. Hindi Translator under CCRUM, Headquarters, New Delhi(Size: 0.78 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, December 6, 2024)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Professor/Reader/Lecturer (Ilmul Advia & Moalijat) at RRIUM, Srinagar(Size: 10.24 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, December 12, 2024)
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Consultant (Admin) at NRIUMSD, Hyderabad(Size: 0.17 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Friday, December 27, 2024)
Advertisement Employment New 04-10 Jan 2025 - Recruitment for the post of Assistant Director-Administration, Account Officer, Accountant, RO Chemistry, RO Pharmacology, Hindi Assistant(Size: 1.39 MB) 
(Uploaded on : Thursday, January 16, 2025)